Do the results of the sensomotor response reflect the typological properties of the central nervous system?
Introduction. During the study, we tried to find out whether the temporal characteristics of sensory-motor response can reflect the typological properties of the central nervous system. Such research is essential to reveal the mechanisms of development of higher mental functions and mental capacity.
Purpose. To establish the relationship between the speed characteristics of visual-motor reaction different complexity and individual-typological properties of the central nervous system.
Methods. Individual differences of sensorimotor reaction and the properties of the main nervous processes were determined by the method of M. V. Makarenko [8] using the computer system "Diagnost-1". 32 teenagers aged 10-11 were examined. During the study, the indicators of latent periods of simple (SVMR) and complex visual-motor reactions of choice (RC1-2, RC2-3), functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNS) were investigated.
Results. Speed characteristics of simple (SVMR) and complex visual-motor reactions of choice of one (RC1-3) and choice of two (RC2-3) excitatory and inhibitory signals were studied in order to use them to assess individual typological properties of the central nervous system (CNS) in adolescents 10-11 years old. There is no evidence of a relationship between the rate of SVMR with different levels of functional mobility (FMNS) of nervous processes in adolescents 10-11 years old.
The reaction rate did not differ statistically and was the same in representatives with high, medium and low levels of typological properties of nervous system. The results of the correlation analysis between SVMR and FMNP were r = 0.13 (p = 0.59), which indicated no relationship between them. The relationship of sensorimotor response time with individual-typological features of the CNS was established in complex information differentiation RC2-3. The temporal characteristics of RC2-3 were dependent on the individual-typological properties of the CNS.
The reaction rate of RC2-3 was higher in adolescents 10-11 years old with high levels of FMNP. The results of the correlation analysis between FМNP and the time reaction of RC2-3 were r = 0.35 (p = 0.034).
The results show that the velocity characteristics of complex neurodynamic acts, in contrast to simple ones, can be used as quantitative characteristics of the typological properties of the CNS.
Originality. The results of our research may be evidence that the indicator RC2-3 can be used as an additional informative criterion for assessing the individual-typological properties of the higher parts of the central nervous system.
Conclusion. The temporal characteristics of SVMR and RC1-3 cannot be considered as informative criteria for assessing the individual-typological properties of CNS in adolescents 10-11 years. Time characteristics of RC2-3 differentiation reactions can be used as additional indicators for assessing the individual-typological properties of higher nervous activity in adolescents 10-11 years, namely, the level of functional mobility of nervous processes.
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