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We invite you to publish your scientific works in the scientific journal "Cherkasy University Bulletin: Biological Sciences Series"


Summary databases: Index Copernicus International Journals Master, CiteFactor, Ulrichsweb, Google Scholar, Summarys database «Ukrainika Naukova».

Each published scientific article is assigned by an international digital identifier DOI (Digital Object Identifier).


The collection includes publications covering the traditional range of current problems of modern biological science.

Due to the high requirements for the quality of scientific articles and their citations performed by the Web of Science (WoS) search platform, priority is given to experimental articles, the materials of which are the result of the use of author's research methods and written in high quality English.


To participate in the formation of a scientific journal it is necessary to submit:

1. The electronic version of the article, executed in accordance with the following requirements, is executed in the editor of MS Word. The volume of the article - 8-12 pages (over the specified amount will be charged an additional payment). Font - Times New Roman (12), line spacing - 1.0. The presence of graphic material in a dark background and using a small font (less than 8) is not allowed.

2. File with information about the author (see the sample below).

3. External review of the doctor of sciences.

4. Review of a scientific supervisor or other specialist in a particular field of knowledge that has the appropriate degree (submitted only by PhD students and applicants).

5. Experimental articles, the materials of which are the result of the use of the author's research methods and which are written in good English, are published free of charge by the decision of the editorial board.

6. Payment details will be sent to the authors after the paper has been accepted for publication. The cost of publishing a scientific article (up to 12 pages) in Ukrainian - 600 UAH.



Surname, name and patronymic


Degree, academic rank, position, place of work


Postal address for correspondence (Zip code !!!)


Department of “Nova Poshta”




Phone number


Title of the article



The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the terms, surnames, data, citations, statistical materials etc. in the article.

All materials sent for publication are secretly reviewed. Reputable authoritative scholars and practitioners are invited to participate in the review.

The date of submission of the manuscript is the day of receipt of the edition, in case of finalization, the day of receipt of the corrected text.

The decision to publish articles is taken by the editorial board.

Editorial edits can be made to the title and the text without the consent of the author.

The manuscripts rejected by the editorial board do not come back to the authors.

Manuscripts, executed without the stated requirements, are not considered.

The editorial staff reserves the right to reduce, edit, and change the title of the article. Rejected materials are not reviewed.

For more information:

contact phone: + 38068-134-136-8


We look forward to fruitful cooperation!


Structure of the article

1. The UDC index (on the left, in capital letters, the font – bold, font - 12). This is not important for article from other countries.

2. The author (alignment on the right margin, indicate full name, first name, patronymic of the author, font – bold,12).

3. Information about the author (authors) e-mail address (to be specified in the article)), ORCID. - font - 11

4. The title of the article (centered, uppercase, font - 14, up to ten words).

5. Summary (in Ukrainian language - up to 50 words with the predominant use of impersonal constructions "justified, proposed, revealed, determined" etc., in italics from the paragraph) (font – 11, italics)

6. Keywords (in the language of the article in italics from the paragraph, not less than 5 words or phrases, with the separation of each other from each other with a semicolon). Keywords should not repeat the title of the article. (font – 11, italics)

7. The main text of the article should be with the allocation of the relevant elements in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (Decree No. 7-05 / 1 of 15.01.03):

Statement of the issue and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks.

The analysis of recent researches and publications, which initiated the solutions for this issue on which the author relies (with references in the text on the sources used).

The identification of previously unsettled parts of the general issue, which is devoted to the article, the relevance of the issue.

The purpose.

The overview of the main research material with the indication of the methods and the full substantiation of the scientific results obtained.

Conclusions and perspectives of further exploration in this direction.

8. The list of used literature is given after the text of the article:

8.1. Under the heading "List of used literature" (for English-language articles: References (in original language), these are sources in the original language, drawn up in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliographic description (key 10, in 1 interval, in the original language). Bibliographic description of literary sources is made according to DSTU 8302: 2015 "Bibliographic link: general terms and conditions of preparation") http://library.nlu.edu.ua/Biblioteka/sait/nauka/gost/spisok-DSTU.pdf ).

8.2. Under the heading "References" - the same sources, but in English, are executed according to the international bibliographic standard (APA standard) [http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm]. The names of periodical Ukrainian and Russian-language editions (journals, collections, etc.) are translated into transliteration (see the rules of Ukrainian transliteration: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/55-2010-%D0%BF ), and in brackets - in English. For example: Psihofiziologicheskie issledovaniya [Psychophysiological studies]. The names of the sources (not less than 10) in the list of references are placed in the order of mention in the text (not in alphabetical order). Reference to textbooks, tutorials, and journalistic articles is inappropriate. An example of drawing up the list of used literature is attached.



1. Alexandrov, A.A. (2010). Psychogenetics. St. Petersbur: Piter. 192 (in Rus).

2. Bekhtereva, N.P.(1974) Neurophysiological aspects of mental activity. L. Medicine. 151 (in Rus])

3. Holubeva, E.A. (1980). Individual features of human memory. Psihofiziologicheskie issledovaniya [Psychophysiological studies]. М. Pedagogy 152 (in Rus).

4. Williams, J. M. (Ed.). (2006). Applied sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

5. Bashnianyn, H. I., & Goncharuk, L. Ya. (2010). Efficiency of economic system’s socialization: methodological problems of metrological analysis. L’viv: Novyj Svit-2000 (in Ukr.)



Всі приклади за посиланням APA-2010 - [http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm].


9. Last name, first name, patronymic of the author in English (alignment - left). Information about the author (authors) e-mail address (to be specified in the article)), ORCID.

10\11. The title of the article in English (alignment - in the middle)

12. Written summary (structured Summary) in English is not less than 250 words or 1 page at intervals of 1 pt. The requirements for the author's resume are contained below.

Foreign partners and international databases put forward very high requirements for writing summaries (Summary) not only in Ukrainian journals, but also in foreign publications. From the summary to the article should be understood its essence, relevance and scientific novelty. The informational openness of the annotation will make it easier for many authors to include their articles in the index-database and increase the author's citations.

Author’s summary (Summary) is a brief summary of the volume of work of a scientific nature. The author's summary may be published independently, in isolation from the main text, and therefore should be understood without reference to the publication itself.

The author's summary of the article is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal, as well as in search engines.

The author’s summary in English (Summary) is placed in the English-language block of information on an article downloaded in the English version of the journal site and is being prepared for foreign Summary databases and analytical systems (citation indices).

The author's summary in Ukrainian (Russian) is the basis for preparing the author's summary in English, but the English summary should be larger in scope and not repeat the Ukrainian annotation. Summary - This is actually a brief summary of the article in English, its referencing.

Structure and content of the author's summary (at least 250 words or 1 page at intervals of 1 pt)

Name, surname.

Title of the article

- Issue

- Purpose

- Research Methods

- Main results of the study

- Scientific novelty of the research results

- Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author

The results of the work must be described accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, revealed interconnections and regularities are given. It gives preference to new results and long-term data, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance.

The conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, and hypotheses described in the article. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the author's resume. It is worth avoiding unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, "the author of the article considers ..."). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, the description of previously published works and well-known provisions in the author's resume are not given.

In the text of the author's resume it is necessary to use syntactic constructions, the language of scientific documents, to avoid complicated grammatical constructions. The text of the author's summary should use the keywords from the text of the article. The text of the author's resume must be concise and clear, free of secondary information, extra introductory words, general and minor language. Abbreviations and conditional marks, except for commonly used, are used in exceptional cases.

The author’s summary (Summary) should be written in high quality English. If the author is not able to prepare the Summary, which meets the requirements stated above, he may apply to the editor who will do this work for a fee.


Articles containing summaries are incorrect and (or) poorly translated, cannot be published.


During writing the summary, the following provisions should be taken into account:

- the subject of the research is indicated in case that they are not understood from the title of the article;

- the results of work should be described accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, revealed interconnections and regularities are given. It prefers new results and long-term data, important discoveries, conclusions refuting the existing theory, as well as data that, in the author's opinion, are of practical importance;

- conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, proposals, hypotheses described in the article;

- the information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the annotation text;

- Avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, "the author of the article is considering ..."). Historical references, the description of previously published works and well-known provisions in the author's resume are not given;

- in the annotation text it is necessary to use syntactic constructions inherent in the language of scientific and technical documents, to avoid complicated grammatical formations;

- abbreviations and conditional marks, except for commonly used, are used in exceptional cases.


13. Key words in English.


Technical requirements for the design of the article:

• Page format - A 4.

• The text does not allow blank lines, hyphens, pseudo-graphs, and other non-text characters.

• The volume of the article - from 6 to 15 printed pages.

• The margins are  25 mm.

• Font - Times New Roman (12), line spacing - 1.0.

• Paragraph indent – 1,25 sm.

• The number of table material and illustrations should be relevant. The digital material is presented in a table having a serial number and a name (the word "table" (in bold) and its serial number are aligned on the right edge; the title is printed in a row below the middle of the table). Illustrations should also be numbered and they should have the names indicated by each illustration.

• Formulas are executed using the built-in MS Equation formula editor in italics and numbered on the right side.

• Figures executed in MS Word must be grouped; they should be the only graphic object. Do not use a dark background and fine print for figures.

• Tables, figures are printed by the built-in Microsoft Word editor and placed in the middle.

• When typing, turn off automatic "soft" transfer (forbidden "forced" transfers - using a hyphen). Summarys only use the "Enter" key, do not apply spaces or tabs (“Tab” key).

• References to the literature in the text should be given in square brackets, for example, [3].

• All citations should end with references to sources.

• If you refer to the scientist's name in the literature review or further in the text - his publication should be in the general literature list after the article.

• The abbreviation of words and phrases other than the generally accepted ones is not allowed.


The authors published in this journal agree with following conditions:

1. The authors reserve to themselves the right to the authorship of their works and transfer the right of their first publication to the journal on the terms of Creatіve Common Attrіbutіon Lіcense which allows to freely extend to other persons the published work with an obligatory reference to the authors of the original work and its first publication in this journal.

2. The authors have the right to complete independent additional agreements concerning the not exclusive distribution of their work in the form in which it was published in this journal (for example, to place the work in the electronic storehouse of an establishment or to publish as a monograph component), under the condition of the preservation of the reference to the first publication of the work in this journal.

3. The journal’s policy allows and encourage the authors to place their manuscripts into the Internet (for example, in depositories of establishments or on personal web-sites) either before submitting of the manuscript for publication or during its editorial processing as it assists the occurrence of a productive scientific discussion and positively affects the efficiency and dynamics of citing of the published work.



I, the author of the article / We, the authors of the manuscript _______________________________________________________________________

in case of its acceptance for publication, we transfer the following rights to the founders and editorial boards of the scientific publication "Cherkasy University Bulletin: Biological Sciences Series":

1. Publication of this article in Ukrainian (English) and distribution of its printed version.

2. Dissemination of the electronic version of the article through any electronic means (placing on the official journal web site, in electronic databases, repositories, etc.). At the same time we reserve the right without consent of the editorial board and the founders:

1. Use the materials of the article in whole or in part for educational purposes.

2. To use the materials of the article in whole or in part for writing your own theses.

3. Use article materials to prepare Summarys, conference reports, and oral presentations.

4. Post electronic copies of the article (including the final electronic version downloaded from the journal's official website) to:

a. personal web-pecypcax of all authors (web sites, web pages, blogs, etc.);

b. web-pecypcax of the institutions where the authors work (including electronic institutional repositories);

with. non-profit, open-source web-pecypcax (such as arXiv.org).

With this agreement, we also certify that the submitted manuscript meets the following criteria:

1. Does not contain calls for violence, incitement of racial or ethnic enmity, which are disturbing, threatening, shameful, libelous, cruel, indecent, vulgar, etc.

2. Does not infringe the copyrights and intellectual property rights of others or organizations; contains all the references to the cited authors and / or publications envisaged by applicable copyright law, as well as the results and facts used in the article by other authors or organizations.

3. It has not been previously published in other publishers and has not been published in other publications.

4. Does not include materials that are not subject to publication in the open press, in accordance with applicable law.

____________________ ___________________

First name, Last name,  signature of the author

"___" __________ 20__



Received 23.03.2020