Electrophysiology characteristics of P300 and the functional organization of complex audiomotory reactions at adolescents

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V. S. Lizogub
T. V. Kozhemyako
L. I. Yukhimenko
S. M. Khomenko


The caused by activity in the brain P300 and latent periods complex audiomotory response differences between two of the three signals and the time of central processing of information, motor and sensory components at adolescents 11-14 years was investigated. Characteristics of time of reaction of a choice of two of three signals, at different levels of the functional organization from sensory to the central and motor component, one step at a time improve and established by the best in 14 years. A gradual increase in brain activity in almost all the parts of the brain was identified. The decrease in latency and increase in the amplitude P300 incentral and parietal parts of the brain cortex was revealed too. The maximum differences between younger and older adolescents in the left postcentral and right gyrus precentralwere observed. This may mean increasing the participation of certain areas in information processing

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