Individual neurophysiological and vegetative mechanisms of information processing of individuals with various functional mobility of nervous processes

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T. V. Kozhemyako


Introduction. Based on the analyzed works so far, it is not possible to make generalizations about the impact of highly genetically determined individually-typological characteristics of higher nervous activity (HNA), namely the functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP) on the efficiency of information processing and variability of heart rate and EEG - brain activity. We assume that individually-typological characteristics of higher areas of central nervous system may determine the role of various neurophysiological and vegetative mechanisms of information processing.

Purpose. The purpose of our research was to study the individual peculiarities of the spectral characteristics of EEG and the heart rate variability of individuals with different functional mobility of the main nervous processes during the information processing.

Methods. In total 30 children of Computer Technologies department have been tested (age 11-12 years). Individually-typological characteristics of main nervous processes (functional lability [FLNP]), heart rate variability (HRV), wave structure of heart rate (WSHR), electrocardiogram (ECG). FLNP was measured using M.V. Makarenko methodics on a computer complex “Diagnost-1” in forced pace mode (constantly increasing load). Parameters of HRV and WSHR were measured using software “Caspico”. EEG parameters were defined using computer diagnostic complex “ReoCom XAI“.

Results. The results allow to ascertain that with the increase of functional mobility of nervous processes, increase the efficiency of information processing in parallel with the increase of the functional activity of neurophysiological and vegetative mechanisms of regulation.

Individuals with high characteristics of functional mobility of nervous processes did a test on information processing with fewer errors and higher power of spectral characteristics of autonomic regulation of heart rate and the brain activation coefficient which were significantly expressed in the interested areas of the cortex than the individuals with low functional mobility of nervous processes.

Originality. From a practical point of view we substantiate the use of peculiarities of individually-typological characteristics of higher areas of central nervous system to raise functional capacity of the brain and autonomic heart regulation processes and we develop the individual approaches to implementation of the cognitive activity control technologies that can be used in the physiology of labor, clinical practice for treatment and rehabilitation of psychosomatic disorders and learning.

Conclusion. The results of this research demonstrated the dependence of changing the power of the main EEG rhythms and spectral characteristics of heart rate during the information processing on individually-typological characteristics of higher areas of central nervous system. These results develop a theoretical picture of the connection of individually-typological characteristics of higher areas of central nervous system, neurophysiological and vegetative mechanisms that provide cognitive activity.

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