Relationship between physical performance and bioenergetic mechanisms of ensuring the game activity of football players

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V. S. Lyzohub
V. V. Shpaniuk
V. O. Pustovalov
T. V. Kozhemiako


Introduction. All the parameters of physical performance are important for achieving high results in footbal. A very small number of works are devoted to the study of bioenergy support of the game activity of different roles football players. High sports results can be achieved by athletes in football who have a high level of physical performance.

Purpose. The purpose of our research was to find out the peculiarities of bioenergy provision of physical performance under the condition of football players' game activity.

Methods. The experiment involved 29 highly qualified professional footballers. The results of the physical performance were received by the device GPS-sport system “Catapult”, pulsometer “Polar”, bicycle ergometer “Monarkh” and using an Meta Max 3B gas analyzer “Cortex” recorded oxygen consumption.

Results. The connection between physical performance and bioenergetic characteristics of anaerobic and aerobic support has been established for skilled footballers. The correlation between the length of the distance during the game and the indicators W of the ergometric test at the level of PANO was r = 0.43 (p <0.032), and for VO2max, r = 0.41 (p <0.027) and with HR - r = 0.37 (p <0.047). The results of this research demonstrated that the aerobic mechanism is the dominant energy system (76%) in providing special physical performance under the condition of football players' game activity. The smallest contribution to the physical performance of football players during the game was made by anaerobic lactate and lactate energy supply mechanisms, respectively - 5.6% and 1.6%.

Conclusion. The characteristics of HR, VO2max, W and indicators of physical performance in different modes of energy supply during the game are informative criteria for assessing the functional state of the athlete, fitness, physical and functional fitness of players and can be used to control the training process and forecast game activity of football players.

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