Physical performance and its relation to the individual-typological properties of the central nervous system


V. V. Shpaniuk
V. S. Lyzohub
V. O. Pustovalov
S. M. Khomenko
T. V. Kozhemiako
F. F. Boechko


Introduction. The article presents the results of the research of physical performance and individual-typological properties of the central nervous system of football players.

Purpose. The purpose of this work was to find out the influence of individual-typological properties of the central nervous system to the physical performance of the football players.

Methods. The results of the physical performance were received by the device “Catapult”, while the individual-typological properties of the central nervous system were obtained on the device 'Diagnost-1M'.

Results. For the high-skill players the relationship between functional mobility of the nervous processes (FMNP) and physical performance (the amount of the completed game work) was found. The coefficient of rank correlation Rxy between FMNP indicators and the level of physical performance in the football players was 0.32 (p<0.026). It was found that football players with above average and average level of FMNP were characterized by higher physical performance than individuals with below average level of the studied typological property of the central nervous system (p<0,033). The results of the physical performance of the players according to the bioenergy characteristics showed that the participants with above average FMNP level demonstrated higher level of general and anaerobic performance during the game than people with below average level of the studied typological property (p <0,036). Football players with lower than average typological characteristics were characterized by higher aerobic performance (p<0.045).

Conclusion. Thus, the individual typological properties of the central nervous system and FMNP determine the adaptation strategy of the energy supply and physical performance of the football players during the process of playing activities. The level of FMNP and its relationship with the anaerobic-aerobic and lactate mechanisms of energy supply are valuation characteristics of the physical performance of the football players in the conditions of the playing activity.




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