Integrative functions of the brain in doing cognitive and motor tasks
Introduction. In the work we tried to find out the peculiarities of integrative functions of the brain under the condition of simultaneous performance of cognitive and motor tasks. In the cognitive task we used image and verbal signals, which the persons examined had to differentiate as quick as possible and react by pressing the button with the left or the right hand and not to press the braking signal.
Purpose. The motor task contained a random control of the vertical body position standing on the floor, on the stabilographic stable and unstable platforms.
Methods. Opposing stabilographic investigations of the balance function coefficient (KFR) on the stabilograph and the speed (reaction time) РВ2-3 differentiation and the qualitative (the quantity of mistakes) characteristics of doing cognitive and motor tasks allowed to find different variants of the integrative brain functions materialized as improvement or worsening of the successfulness of doing one, or both tasks compared to their isolated realization.
Result. We have established that on condition of a simultaneous doing two tasks the integrative brain functions depend on the stabilographic conditions of holding balance on the stable and unstable platforms as well as on the signals modality.
Originality. To determine whether the speed and quality of information processing of different modalities depend on the conditions of equilibrium while standing on a stable and unstable platform.
Conclusion. We have proved that doing a motor statokinetic task is dependent on the conditions of holding balance on the stable and unstable platforms, and is not dependent on the signals modality. We have also established that speed-characteristics of the information recycling are dependent on the signals modality and the statokinetic conditions of holding balance.
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