Wave structure of hemodynamic indicators by the different level of the respiratory rate in men
Introduction. It is expedient to investigate the features of wave structure of the oscillations of the stroke volume (SV) and duration of R-R interval by the different level of the main vegetative indicators such as respiratory rate and volume of cardiac output which are considered to be constant for each person according to the data of many studies.
Purpose. To find out the features of the wave structure of oscillations of SV and duration of R-R interval in healthy young men with a different level of respiratory rate.
Methods.The measurements are carried out on 120 healthy young men aged from 17 to 23 years. By the distribution of the initial value of the Mo duration of respiratory cycle men were divided into 3 groups: tachypnea (39 men) – with abnormally rapid breathing, normopnea (62 men) – with normal respiratory rate and bradypnea (19 men) - with abnormally slow breathing. Time series were analyzed with five-minutes implementations of successive stroke volume and R-R duration in the “Caspico” program. For the duration of cardiocycles were distinguished 3 main spectral components: HF (0,15-0,4 Hz), LF (0,04-0,15 Hz), VLF (0-0,04 Hz) and total power of the spectrum (TP), the power of high frequency oscillations in normalized units (HFnorm). These indicators for SV were respectively HFsv, LFsv, VLFsv, ТРsv and HFnormsv.
Results. People with low and high frequency of breathing in a state of rest are characterized by the relatively higher amplitude of oscillations of duration of R-R interval and stroke volume in the range of 0,04-0,15 Hz than normopnea. By bradypnea it is stipulated by a violation of respiratory periodicals in this frequency range and higher level of activation of parasympathetic link of the vegetative nervous system, by tachypnea it is stipulated by a number of factors: relatively higher level of blood-filling of organs in thorax, increase of sympathetic effects on the heart and increase of spontaneous baro-reflex sensitivity. By dosed load it is vice verse – relatively larger sympathetic activation is observed by bradypnea.
Conclusion. Taking into account the output frequency of breathing can significantly improve the diagnostic value of the methods for analyzing of the variability of the stroke volume and heart rate.
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