Effect of different modes of ophthalmic photo-stimulation on functional state of cardiovascular system

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A. V. Rybalko


Introduction. The implementation of visual sensory effects can significantly change the functional state of the cardiovascular system of a man mainly under the compensatory changes of his wave manifestations that may become a relevant way for preventive medicine in terms of cardiovascular disease growth.

The purpose of the research was to determine reactivity of the heart rate’s wave structure indexes in different ophthalmic photo-stimulation modes.

Methods. The indicators of spectral analysis of heart rate (HR) and struck blood volume (SBV) oscillations were measured on 48 men at different modes of ophthalmic photo-stimulation.

Results. Ophthalmic photo-stimulation by light of different wavelengths, light intensity and signal frequency leads to the significant changes of wave structure of heart rate indicators and their synchronization. The indicator changes of cardiovascular system performance at vagotonic individuals are prognostically positive compared to eu- and sympathotonic ones.

Originality.The reactivity features of wave structure indicators of heart rate under different ophthalmic photo-stimulation modes were investigated for the first time.

Conclusions. Ophthalmic photo-stimulation by the light of different wavelengths, light intensity and signal frequency leads to the simultaneous activation of both parts of the autonomic nervous system. The initial level of vegetative balance affects the regulation features of the heart activity under impulse ophthalmic photo-stimulation.

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