Ecological and coenotic analysis of flora in the territorial Kremenchug reservoir area
Introduction. The construction of Kremenchug reservoir deals to the flooding of surrounding areas, the 75% of primary natural landscapes of the Dnieper floodplain was completely transformed, and their floristic diversity undergone significant in some cases irreplaceable loss. On the territory of the former Dnieper valley within the Kremenchug reservoir changed after its completing the flora of wetland and meadow that have reduced their area to 80% and 60%.
Purpose. Making eco-coenotic analysis of flora in Kremenchug reservoir area for the results of floristic studies conducted over the years 2008-2013.
Results. Flora of vascular plants of the reservoir area has 659 species. The leading role in the flora species occupy mesophyt group consisting of 221 species. The hyhrophyt group has 155 species which are dominated by species of meadow and marsh, they are common in lowland areas of low and temporarily flooded geocomplex. The xeromezophyt group has 121 species. The mezoxerophyt group includes 96 species. The xerophyt group includes 29 species.
Leading position in relation to the lighting conditions, takes a geliophyt group – 322 species and sciogeliophyt – 195, that indicates the predominance of ecotypes with high illumination. The geliosciophyt group has 121 species. The part of sciophyt is relatively small and has 21 species.
Flora reservoir has eight eco-cenotic groups. The greatest number of species are meadow (103) and marsh (92) eco- cenotic groups. Forest eco-coenotic group includes 45 species. Meadow steppe eco-coenotic group includes 81 species. The real water and air-water eco-coenotic group represented respectively (31) and (33) species. Psamophyt eco-coenotic group is represented by 23 species. Synanthropic eco-coenotic group includes 251 species, that is much higher than the flora of Ukraine.
Conclusion. Ecological and coenotic analysis shows the species’ predominance of meadow, marsh, water and air-water group, indicating the meso-gihrophyt nature of flora in the reservoir territory. A significant part of synanthropic species reflects the state of the secondary anthropogenic disturbance of ecotypes. The territorial distribution of eco-cenotic groups testifies to their uneven distribution on the reservoir territory. At the top of the part the largest areas occupied by real water, air-water and marsh ecological and coenotic group. In the middle of the part they are little less, that is associated with a geocomplex area decrease in which they apply. At the bottom of the part there are meadow and marsh groups, which almost completely absent and the lowest, compared with other parts, is the real water and air-water group.
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