Typological Scheme of Geokomplexes the Territory of Kremenchug Reservoir Area

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V. A. Konogray


The article presents the results of typological differentiation of geoсomplexes the Kremenchug reservoir area. The typological scheme of geoсomplexes reservoir area is designed. The basis of allocation geocomplexes signs placed their affinity to parts of the reservoir (class ); origin and extent of flooding newly geocomplexes and their location (group, sector, number); geomorphological features and duration of flooding ( link ). As a result of the work of differentiation geocomplexes territory of Kremenchug reservoir created typological scheme that includes 9 units that are organized into 6 sectors, 4 numbers, 3 classes and 2 groups are of the type geocomplexes artificial reservoirs. It is used to determine the territorial affinity of plant communities and rating the phytocoenotic wealth of geocomplexes and to reveal the extent of vegetation change. For the busy areas dominated geocomplexes shallow areas. The smallest territory occupied geocomplexes sectors of islands residues upland terraces. Most convertible after filling the reservoir proved floodplain vegetation terraces least - otroviv residues upland terraces. The highest diversity observed phytocoenotic geocomplexes of the top reservoir, the lowest - lower

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