
Volodymyr Lyzohub
Ivan Salivonchyk
Yuliya Koval
Olha Paliichuk


Statokinetic stability was studied in 16-year-old boys (37 individuals) on the steady and unsteady platform of the “MPFI stabilograph-1” and the Stabilis software package under the condition of feedback (FB) and closed eyes (CE). Visual deprivation was found to have the same effect on reducing statokinetic stability as unsteady platform. Statokinetic stability significantly decreased on an unsteady platform in conditions of CE that led to the tension of postural mechanisms of regulation. In the conditions of CE on an unsteady platform of the stabilograph in young men, there was a statistically significant decrease in the quality factor of the balance regulation function (КFR,%), an increase in the length of the oscillation trajectory of the pressure center (Length, mm), the average speed of the movement of the pressure center (AvgSpeed, mm/s), the average range of oscillation of the pressure center (Range, mm) and the average frequency of the oscillation spectrum of the pressure center in the mediolateral and anteroposterior plane (wAvgFМА, Hz) than on a steady platform with FB and CE.
The availability of visual information on an unsteady platform allows for significant improvement of statokinetic stability and reduction of the tension on postural regulation mechanisms. The results show that under the condition of the changed platform and visual control, the stabilography indicators change disproportionately. The identified features of changes in stabilographic indicators are stipulated by different contributions to the process of postural regulation of visual and proprioceptive afferentation. It has been proven that under the condition of standing on an unsteady platform, visual afferentation makes a much smaller contribution to the integrative processes of regulation of statokinetic stability than sensory information from proprioceptors of postural muscles.




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