Main Article Content
The article presents the results of the study of statokinetic stability and individual typological properties of the nervous system of highly qualified football players. Statokinetic stability was determined on the “MPFI stabilograph-1” stabilograph and the StabiliS software package according to the quality factor of the balance regulation function (KFR), the trajectory length of the pressure center oscillation (Length), the average speed of the pressure center movement (AvgSpeed), the average range of the pressure center oscillation (Range), the average frequency of the spectrum of the pressure center oscillation in the mediolateral and anteroposterior planes (wAvgFMA, Hz). Individual typological properties of the nervous system, namely, the strength of nervous processes (SNP), were determined on the “Diagnost-1M” device.
The relationship between SNP and the trajectory length of the pressure center oscillation (Length) of the stabilogram was established. The rank correlation coefficient Rx between the SNP and Length indicators in football players was 0.36 (p=0.027). The results of the stabilogram of football players according to the characteristics of KFR, Length, AvgSpeed, Range and wAvgFMA showed that football players with an above-average level of SNP demonstrated a higher level of statokinetic stability than individuals with a below-average level of the studied typological property (p<0.036).
Therefore, the most adequate characteristics of the effective implementation of statokinetic stability of football players are its connection with the individual-typological properties of the nervous system, namely the SNP. It is possible that the individual-typological features of the organization of the nervous system and the SNP determine the strategy of football players’ game activity.
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