The age peculiarities to formation of neurodynamic properties in persons with different nature of gaming activities
Introduction. It is known that neurodynamic properties are genetically determined and may be a criterion in the selection process for various sports. as well as neurodynamic functions significantly affect the process of becoming a sportsmanship.
Purposе. To reveal the peculiarities to formation of the individual-typological, neurodynamic properties of the central nervous system of teenagers, young people, and mature people with different nature of play activities.
Methods. Сomputer testing of neurodynamic functions in persons with different nature of play activities.
Results. It was found that sportsmen's neurodynamic functions were significantly different from those who do not have constant physical activity. However, there were no significant differences in the studied indicators between different age groups of football players and volleyball players.
Originality. The features of the distribution of neurodynamic functions for athletes and non-athletes according to their age are revealed.
Conclusion. According to the results of the study, it is established that individuals who regularly engage in physical exercise, prevail in the level of development of the studied neurodynamic properties of people who do not do sports. It was found that both footballers and volleyball players aged 18 and older had higher scores compared to younger players, but did not have significant differences in the studied figures. The study of neurodynamic properties in people with different levels of physical activity demonstrates the levels of indicators of neurodynamic functions for athletes of different ages, which can be used in the selection process for football and volleyball. It is proved that the process of formation and improvement of sensorimotor and neurodynamic properties in athletes of game sports is more intense and is characterized by an advanced nature in comparison with non-athletes.
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