Characteristics of the physical performance of athletes specializing in middle distance running, after training camps in conditions of mid-range altitudes
Introduction. A high level of achievement in modern sport necessitates continuous improvement in all aspects of training an athlete. However, further development of the traditional methods of comprehensive training athletes now becoming increasingly important development and use of alternative means and methods aimed at expanding the boundaries of functionality of an athlete, his aerobic and anaerobic performance that largely determine the level of disability.
Purpose.To determine the effectiveness of mountain training on evaluation after returning from the mountains physical performance of athletes who specialized in running middle distance.
Methods. In the survey participated 12 athletes. All sportsmens specialized in running middle distance.Physical performance was determined by veloergometry. Evaluated indicators of power, capacity and efficiency of functional (respiratory and cardiovascular) and energy (aerobic and anaerobic) systems.
Results.Conducting the mountain training gave effective impact on improving physical performance of athletes.This effect is amplified mountain training in 24-25 days after returning from the mountains.However, not all athletes adaptive effects of mountain training are equally effective. The most significant positive changes in physical capacity after the training gathering in the mountains observed in athletes whose adaptation to hypoxia was accompanied by moderate stress regulatory mechanisms of the body and vagotonic predominant type of autonomic homeostasis.
Originality.For the first time it is given a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of mountain training athletes, specializing in middle-distance running.
Conclusion.The most significant positive changes in the level of physical performance after the training gathering in the mountains observed in athletes who have adapted to the conditions of middle accompanied by moderate stress regulatory mechanisms and vahotonichnyy predominant type of vegetative homeostasis.
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