Relationship of genetically-determined individual-typological properties with the character of psycho-physiological functions of children 5-7 years old.
Main Article Content
Introduction. Primary education as the first level of general secondary education is aimed at comprehensive development of the child, his abilities, talents and competences, taking into account age and individual characteristics. Therefore, the problem of studying the characteristics of the development and formation of psychophysiological functions of preschool and primary school children, taking into account the individual characteristics of the nervous system, is gaining particular relevance.
Purpose. Study of the age dynamics of individual typological properties of the central nervous system and their connection with the psychophysiological functions of children 5-7 years old to determine the sensitive periods of the formation of educational activities.
Research methods. With the use of modern methods and equipment, the regularities and features of the age dynamics of individual-typological properties, neurodynamic, sensorimotor and psychophysiological functions in children of preschool and primary school age were studied. Research is aimed at establishing the regularities of the formation of these functions and substantiating the role of neurodynamic characteristics of the central nervous system in the manifestation of memory, attention, regulation of the cardiovascular system and mental activity.
Main research results. The study revealed the heterochronic nature of the development of neurodynamic, sensorimotor and psychophysiological functions in children aged 5–7 years. At the age of 7, there is a higher level of functional mobility, memory, attention and regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system, which indicates the integration of functional systems and the sensitivity of this period for learning. Typological properties of the central nervous system, such as functional mobility and strength of nervous processes, determine the success of the formation of psychophysiological functions and educational activities. Based on the obtained results, it was established that the mechanisms of regulation of the cardiovascular system, which reaches its maximum development at the age of 7, are gradually improved in children of preschool and primary school age. Heart rate regulation is characterized by a gradual development determined by the genetic program, which is influenced by the individual and typological properties of the central nervous system, which contribute to the improvement of internal and intersystem connections.
Conclusions and specific projections. One of the important results of the study is the establishment that in children of preschool and elementary school age, individuals with a high level of typological properties demonstrated higher activation of heart rhythm regulation mechanisms, better memory and faster compensatory reactions of the cardiovascular system. The obtained data confirm the role of genetically determined individual-typological properties of HNA in the formation of psychomotor functions and the success of educational activities.
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