Criteria for evaluation functional capacity of athletes from various sports training and of experience

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O. N. Lysenko
Z. А. Gorenko
A. V. Kovelska
L. O. Taybolina
E. B. Ocheretko
S. V. Fedorchuk
O. V. Kolosova
T. O. Khalyavka


Introduction. Recently, amateur athletes who engaged in favorite sport without special training and have the opportunity, along with qualified professional athletes participate in competitions in the marathon, triathlon and cycling. Now even amateurs athletes sometimes reach such intensity in training as professional athletes.

Purpose. Determine the range of change in of physical performance and maximum level of cardiorespiratory system reactions in highly skilled athletes and a a little trained people who have started go in for sports after 20 years and trying to take part in the competitions in the triathlon and the marathon.

Methods. The study involved 491 athletes qualified men aged 19-28 years with high sports qualification, sports experience of 8-11 years, representatives of various species of sports, and a little trained 68 people that started to go in for sports after 20 years. We studied parameters of gas exchange, external respiration, of central hemodynamics and physical performance of athletes in conditions of physical load test of aerobic capacity, which was carried out on tredmili LE-200C till the moment the volitional fatigue.

Results. With the use of modern the automated complex type of «Oxycon Pro», «Vyntus CPX» selected groups of athletes on the value of "critical" power by the a standard test conditions for the determination of maximal oxygen consumption. In a highly qualified of athletes the level of physical performance depends from the type of sport and does not depend from the duration of experience of sports training. Level of physical performance of athletes-amateur depends on the experience their sports training and the age at which amateurs begun to systematically sports training.

Conclusion. The provided information will allow determine the level of fitness of athletes on the basis of their of physical performance, which will improve the efficiency of sports training athletes of different levels of fitness and experience.

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