Change of kinetic characteristics of the reaction of cardiorespiratory system during loads of high intensity under the influence of fatigue
Main Article Content
Introduction. Repeated training loads are often performed on the background of fatigue from previous loadings. This changes the as a reactive properties leading for a kind of sports activity systems of an organism in conditions of physical activities and the training effect by for such loads.
Purpose. Study of features of effect of fatigue on the kinetic characteristics of reaction of the cardiorespiratory system (RNC) in conditions of intense physical activity.
Methods. During prolonged load (about 60 minutes) were evaluated changes in peak reaction of CRS and her speed of deployment under some additional loads for 30 seconds every 5 or 10 minutes in the form of a rectangular a short increase in of load. Continuous measurement of the characteristics of response on physical activity was assessed using the ergospirometry complex "Oxycon Pro" ("Jaeger", Germany).
Results. For athletes had significantly smaller value half-period reactions than the in untrained persons. This indicated a greater speed of deployment of functional reactions of athletes at the start of aerobic exercise of different intensities and is an important factor in providing the request of the body of oxygen.
In analyzing the changes of the peak reaction in the short (30 s) increasing power in the second half in prolonged of load showed decrease of reaction VE, VO2 and heart rate. This decrease is usually coincides with a decrease in their speed of increase, indicating that the decrease in of "neurogenic" component of the respiratory reaction. A more resistant "neurogenic" component was in trained man. In this case, an increase in intensity due of load running speed is generally more favorable (relative to the increase of the power component) for supporting the reactivity of the respiratory system by a significant increase of fatigue.
Originality. Highest effect is specifically designed the training funds is maintained as long as the are supported high levels (peaks) and the speed of deployment of the reaction of CRS, oxygen consumption and CO2. All this points to the need to consider the nature of such changes of reactivity CRS during training sessions and the use of special means for its correction.
Conclusion. The kinetics of the reactions СRS under the influence of fatigue is temporarily reduced. Increases inertness of processes of formation of reactions, aimed at the ensuring compliance with the of metabolic request and his satisfaction. The character and degree of changes in of a fast the kinetics may well reflect the metabolic and cardiorespiratory stress caused by fatigue after heavy training loads.
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