Serhii Levkovych Samarskyi (1915- 1998) – to the memory of the 100-year from a birthday.


M. N. Gavrilyuk
I. S. Mytyai
V. I. Strigunov


The article is dedicated to the life and scientific work of the famous Ukrainian zoologist – Serhii Levkovych Samarskyi (1915-1998). He studied at the Dnipropetrovsk national university (1936-1941) and was a postgraduate at the Kiev Pedagogical Institute (1949-1952). Samarskyi S.L. received an academic degree in Biological sciences (1954). He worked at the Odessa  .I.Mechnikov National University (1956-1961) and at the Cherkasy Pedagogical institute (1961-1987), where he held the chair of Zoology. He carried out researches in the sphere of fauna and ecology of terrestrial vertebrates of the Middle Dnipro Region.

He is the author of over 100 scientific and methodical works, including the first textbook written in Ukrainian for higher educational establishments of vertebrate zoology. Serhii Levkovych was a promoter of environmental protection. He chaired the postgraduate study where 23 researchers took scientific degree in zoology. He was a veteran of the Second World War. 




Nikitchenko, N.T. (2007). Samarskyi Serhii Levkovych – the pedagogue and the teacher. In V.V. Serebrjakov (Ed.). The biology of the XXI century: theory, practice and teaching: Mater. Int. conf. Cherkasy. 5-6. (in Ukr.)

Gavrilyuk, M.N., Mytyai, I. S. & Strigunov, V.I. (2015). Samarskyi Serhii Levkovych: one hundred years - one hundred memories. In T.S. Ninova (Ed.). The conservation of the biodiversity in contex of the sustainable development: Mater. of the conf. Cherkasy. 5-7. (in Ukr.)

Hanna Ivanivna Peredrij: the materials about scientist’s bibliography (2015). In: H.I. Martynova et al. (Ed.). Cherkasy: Chabanenko Yu.A. 1-84. (in Ukr.).

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