Features of ultrastructural changes of adenohypophysial corticotropic cells under the prolonged exposure of the red mud
Introduction. By means of modern techniques, new data, regarding the character and dynamics of ultrastructural changes in adenohypophysial corticotropic cells under condition of prolonged organism exposureof the red mud, has been obtained.
Purpose. To evaluate the dynamics of the ultrastructural changes and the direction of reparative processes in adenohypophysial corticotropic cells of animals of all ages under organism exposureof the red mud.
Methods. The ultrastructure of adenohypophysial corticotropic cells using electron microscope GEM – 100CX (Japan) has been studied. To establish the ultrastructural patterns of adenohypophysis’ corticotroph, morphometric processing of electron-diffraction photographby means of computer image analyzer IBAS-2000 (produced by ORTON company, Germany)was conducted. The concentration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) was establishedby means of “two-stage”anzyme-linked immunosorbent assayto measure biologically active ACTH molecule using test-kitproduced by Biometrica company (USA).
Results.The research has established that the exposure of the red mud on animals’organismduring 14 days leads to increased functional activity of adenohypophysial corticotropic cells. This fact is evidenced by ultrastructural changes in these cells, their morphometric data and icrease of the adrenocorticotropic hormone content in blood. However, degranulation of cytoplasm characterised by reduction of endoplasmic reticulum function, Golgi complex and mitochondrial abnormalties,occursin ultrastructure of some corticotrophs’ structure.
After 45 days of the red mud exposure, in the ultrastructureof corticotropic cells, changes typical for the stress reactions,are observed. Further the changes become more pronounced and are characteristic of the stage of the increased resistance of general adaptation syndrome.
Under the exposure of red mud during 180 days,the adenohypophysis’ corticotrophsface restructuring which are characteristic of exhaustion stage of general adaptation syndrome. Adrenocorticotropic function of adenohypophysisis reduced, destructive-dystrophic changes in cytoplasm of corticotrophs, accompanied by a rate decrease of morphometric data of these cells and ACTH content in blood,are established.
Originality. Using modern biomedical research methods, new data regarding the character and dynamics of ultrastructural changes in adenohypophysial corticotropic cellsunder the prolongedexposure of the red mud, has been obtained. The dependence of changes of the ultrastructure and the function of adenohypophysial corticotropic cells on the duration of the red mud exposurein animals’ organisms of all ages has been established.
Conclusion.The prolonged exposure of the red mud on animals’ organisms leads to significant changes in the ultrastructural organization of adenohypophysial corticotropic cells, the character of which depends on both the duration of the red mud exposure as well as on the animals’ age.
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