EEG-correlates of analysis of information during emotional Stroop test on the background of IAPS images


M. P. Bondarenko (Rassomagina)
V. I. Kravchenko
O. V. Bondarenko
N. U. Makarchuk


Introduction. Chronic fatigue and absent-mindedness are causes of low productivity at the workplace. Definition of the main distracters of attention and conditions of influence gives opportunity to increase workforce productivity in the future.

The purpose of the research was to investigate the analysis of information with varying degree of difficulty in left-handed and right-handed subjects using meaningless words, emotional Stroop test on the black background and on the background of pictures from International Affective Picture System (IAPS).

Methods. Volunteers were asked to name the color of letters (red / green) as quickly as possible, when the word was presented in the center of the black screen while ignoring the semantic meaning of the words and react using right or left hand accordingly. Subject performed the task with mixed neutral (cup, spoon, jacket) and emotional (love, sex, death) words (emotional Stroop test), then the task with meaningless “pseudowords” (the set of letters looked like word but without meaning). The Russian-language stimuli used in the tasks consisted of equal number of letters both in words and meaningless words. During second stage of the research other participants performed the emotional Stroop test on the background of IAPS images (positive, erotic, neutral, negative). 70 students of both sexes took part in the investigation.

Results. The emotional Stroop test on the background of IAPS images provoked more quantity of activation zones and coherence than on the black background. Stroop effect, resulting in the extension of time response to emotional words was shown only if it had been demonstrated on the background of erotic pictures against neutral words on the background of neutral images. Distribution of attention and control of accuracy was provided on the theta rhythm frequencies for right-handers. All the words on the background of IAPS image were analyzed longer than the same words on the black background.

Originality. Simultaneous analysis of double distracters of attention (affective emotional images and emotional words) have not been previously considered. The reversion of Stroop effect was found.

Conclusion. Analysis of the image is able to interfere with the analysis of the words that appears like reversion of Stroop effect, but does not affect the accuracy of the assignment.ment.




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