Processing of visual-auditory information of varying degrees of complexity in people with different properties of the main nervous processes
Intruduction.The presented results are a continuation of multiple proofsabout the insusceptibility of the test of a simple sensory-motor response for tevaluate the properties of the main nervous processesand the recommendations their using in the practical sphere and in particular into the system of professional psycho-physiological selection of specialists of different profiles.
Purpose of the article is the study of speed of processing visual - and auditory-motor activity with different degree of complexity in people with different individual-typological properties of the higher parts of the Central nervous system.
Methods. Individual differences in speed of sensorimotor response and properties of main nervous processes studied by the method of M. V. Makarenko, with the using of a computer system "Diagnost-1". Identifying the characteristics was carried out in the program named "imposed rhythm".
Functional mobility of nervous processes identified using two methods named: the first named "feedback" and the second - "imposed rhythm". Digital arrays are processed by variation statistics the program Statgraphis .
Results. It was showed the absence of relationship of the speed of simple sensorimotor reaction of persons with different levels of properties of the basic nervous processes. The speed was the same as the representatives of high and middle and low levelswhich is confirmed by the results of correlation analysis.The connection of the sensory-motor reaction`s speed with individually-typological features of the higher parts of the Central nervous system manifested between them under the terms of presentation and processing of difficult informationdifferentiation of positive and inhibitory signals.More difficult load caused more great connection. That is, the time characteristics were in direct dependence on the individual-typological properties.
Conclusion. Taken separately the temporal characteristics of simple sensorimotor reactions cannot be considered as informative criteria for their evaluation.They apparently characterize the existing functional state of the organism, the level of excitability of the Central parts of the appropriate reflex arcs, the speed appearancing and flowing and stopping of the excitation narons chains.
The characteristics of the complex sensorimotor reactionscan be used as additional indicators for the evaluation of individual-typological properties of higher nervous activity, in particular, the level of functional mobility and the strength of the nervous processes.
To consider experimentally proved use of regimes "feedback" and "imposed rhythm" highly reliable and adequate methodological approaches for revealing individual differences between people on the properties of the main nervous processes
Originality. It was found additional evidence of the use of complex cognitive acts as a quantitative criterion for evaluating individual-typological properties.
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