Factor structure of Functional Abilities of Youths aged 17-21


M. S. Topcii
A. I. Bosenko
G. O. Dyshel


Introduction. Negative tendencies in the population’s state of health, and students youths’ in particular, have been revealed recently, which stipulates the further study of functional abilities of not only separate systems, but of the whole organism.

Purpose. The immediate aim of the research is to study the factor structure of functional abilities of youths aged 17-21 during the muscular loading in closed cycle.

Methods. Factor analysis was conducted according to the method of main component with marimax circulation of factor matrix with the help of statistical program SPSS 16. Anthropometric and physiometric parameters were included into the factor analysis of functional abilities of 17-21 year-old youths, together with the data of evolution of general functional state of brain, according to the statistical parameters of distribution of time values of common visual-motor reaction, the data of variation pulsometry, and of evolution of functional abilities of organism during the loading work-out in closed cycle, based on the methodology suggested by D. M. Davidenko and co-authors. The study of indicators off general functional state of brain due to the data of common visual-motor reaction was held after T. D. Loskutova. The rhythm of heart rate was registered by the program «Caspico» based on the methods of variation pulsometry.

Results. Factor analysis allowed differentiating from 12 to 15 main factors depending on the age. The amount of the defined factors of youths aged 17-21 is equal to 94,66; 88,74; 94,21; 96,19; 97,82 percentages of general dispersion of sampling relatively. Parameters of 92 variable quantities were used in the factor analysis. Among major constituents of the first factor of all age periods were the following: indicators of physical efficiency and pulse value of the work done. The indicators of variation pulsometry constitute to the large extend the major factors together with the energetic level and effectiveness of the heart-rate regulation. The criteria of general state of brain are present in the age group of 17 and 21 year-old youths.

Conclusions. Factor analysis exposed the peculiarities of functional abilities of 17-21 year-old youths, which are characterized by different amount (from 12 to 15) and weight (5,05-20,38 %) of the defined factors and their constituents (3-16).




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