The State of the heart rate regulation mechanisms of junior students of the Physical Training Department in the application of dosed physical loading in closed cycle

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A. I. Bosenko
M. S. Topcii


Introduction. The study of functioning of the heart during different types of motive activity attracts a lot of researchers’ attention nowadays. Adaptation reactions of organism in general and particularly in sports should be studied from the point of view on heart contracts frequency, as well as on the regulator system state/

Purpose. The immediate aim is to study the dynamics of heart rate regulation mechanisms of youths – students of junior courses of Physical Training Teachers Department under the influence of dosed physical loading in closed cycle.

Methods. The research involves 32 participants – students of the first course, who were re-examined on the second course. The testing in a closed cycle was held by the method of D. N. Davidenko and co-authors involving electromechanical bicycle ergometre. The state of the heart rate regulation mechanisms was analyzed at the stage of regulative muscles rest, at the reserve moment with heart contracts frequency equal to 150-155 beats per minute, at the end of loading and at the 5th minute of rehabilitation with the help of program “Caspico” based on the cardiac rhythm mathematical analysis by Baevsky R. M.

Results. Average statistical values of heart rate of Physical Training Department junior students measured at the state of relative muscles rest correspond to the permissible age quantities diapason. The loading in closed cycle caused changes of vegetative balance and as a result heart rate regulation mechanisms tension. Evidently, the modal value (Mo) and the heart rate variation magnitude (∆X) decrease and the mode amplitude (AMo) and tension index (IN) increase. The increase Мо/∆Х is indicative of the humoral regulation channel activation within the increase of predominant influence of adrenergic regulation mechanisms over cholinergic ones. At the end of bicycle ergometre test, the power of tension being at the zero level, the stabilization of heart rate values is registered, although the tension level of heart rate regulation exceed the initial values in both groups examined. After the dosed physical loading increase of parasympathetic tonus and decrease of sympathetic branch of vegetative nervous system occur, which is characterized by the increase of Mo and ∆X data, decrease of AMo, AMo/∆X, Mo/∆X and tension index (IN), being the integral exponent of regulation mechanisms. By the fifth minute of rehabilitation full restitution of regulation level is not marked, that stipulates the necessity to prolong after work out control period.

Originality. It’s for the first time that there have been registered and analyzed the data of the heart rate regulation mechanisms of junior students of the Physical Training Department directly during the muscles loading in a closed cycle. The diapason of heart rate regulation level reaction has been determined at different stages of testing.

Conclusions. The conducted research proved that the loading in a closed cycle of junior students of Physical Training Department is marked by a definite tension of heart rate regulation mechanisms, which never reached extreme values and thus could be estimated as optimal for the certain power of loading. Complete rehabilitation of initial level of heart rate regulation of 17-19-year-old youths never occurs by the 5th minute of rest after the muscles work out.

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