Spreading and cenotical features of Allium ursinum l. at the left-bank part of Cherkasy region
Introduction. Allium ursinum L. at the plain part of Ukraine has a sporadical spreading in aboriginal broad-leaf forests of right-bank forest steppe and along the southern end of right-bank Polesia. Though, at the left bank this species is very rare. Newly discovered habitat at left-bank of Dnieper Ukraine raises a number of florogenetical and cenogenetical questions. Particularly, it is essential to evaluate the possibility of presence of once-continuous areal, which covered both right-bank forest steppe and massive of prehistoric left-bank valley- and bairak forests. On the other hand, it can evidence the modern distribution of the species from the refugium of interglacier relicts, which are dedicated to Central Russian Upland.
Purpose. The aim of the work was to evaluate the condition of previously unknown and distant from other populations location of Allium ursinum at the left bank of Cherkasy region.
Methods. One local population at the left Dnipro bank was examined, placed between the village Den’hy (Zolotonosha raion) and Krut’ky (Chornobai raion) of Cherkasy oblast.
Inventories were made on the areas of 25×25 m. Processing was based on the methods of J. Braun-Blanquet. Scale was used to evaluate the projective coverage of species: + – projective coverage less than 1%; 1 – projective coverage from 1 to 5%; 2 – from 6 to 15%; 3 – from 16 to 25%; 4 – from 26 to 50%; 5 – more than 51%.
Results. Our descriptions of groupings which include Allium ursinum, are vastly remoted from other habitats of the same garlic species at the left-bank Ukraine and are diagnosted as a union of Alnion incanae Pawłowski et al. 1928, which belongs to the class Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae P. Fukarek et Fabijani 1968.
The uttermost coverage of Allium ursinum is formed at the best-drained micro uplands, which are indicated with the emergence and, to a greater extent, with superior involvement in tree stand of a common oak. At lower areas, where the moisture is higher, and black alder has superior involvement in tree stand, the partaking of bear’s garlic is less significant: at places where the water is stagnant, this plant falls out with the majority of bulbous and short-rash ephemeromes.
Within all the area of bear’s garlic habitat explored the locuses were noted with existing individuals of different age stages, which indicates the high viability of the population and the ability for spreading of the species to new areas within the similar biotopes.
Originality. Previously unknown, remote for hundred kilometers from other known populations, left-bank habitat of Allium ursinum is discovered and classificated. Nonetheless, some detached investigated populations are placed quite nigh. Particularly, right-bank forest massive of Kaniv Nature Reserve, where this species grows, is placed just in few dozens of kilometers away. Thereby, it would be more correct to interpret the revealed population as a derivative from righ-bank ones.
Conclusion. Previously unknown, remote for hundred kilometers from other known populations, left-bank habitat of Allium ursinum is discovered. The species grows as a part of grouping of union of Alnion incanae Pawłowski et al. 1928, which belongs to the class Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae P. Fukarek et Fabijani 1968, when within the near-Dnieper right-bank forest steppe the populations of Allium ursinum occur as part of union of Carpinion betuli. The explored population is characterized by presence of different age stages and has the high viability.
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