Vegetation and floristic features of the hydrological reserve «Seretskiy» (Ternopil region)

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M. I. Kozak
I. V. Fedorchuk


Highlights the current results of the two-year derzhtemy "Development of methods and sustainable use of biodiversity reservoirs and wetlands skirts" . Which is characterized by one of the hydrological reserve of national importance " Seretskyy " ( Ternopil region, Western skirts ). Driven by its geo-botanical , physical, geographical and administrative location and history of the area . Describes vegetation and floristic features of the wetland . This article contains information about higher water air- water, forest , bush flora and vegetation of the reserve. Details driven distribution of species in the reserve specified features of associativity , depending on placement. In eco- profiles coenotic vegetation hydrological reserve shows the degree of overgrowth and shows the main dominant wetland , using analysis of soil and shows the main dominant association. Revealed a number of types of publishing the "Red Book of Ukraine ", and the list of rare macrophytes. Among them - Nymphaea candida J. Presl et C. Presl, Nymphaea alba L., Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmel.) O.Kuntze. The latter species was first discovered in the West skirts showing their location and growth condition set their populations. Also highlighted major impacts on higher water and air- water flora. The above dependence of higher aquatic vegetation from hemorfolohichnyh conditions of the territory.

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