Systematic Analysis Of Research -Indicator Species Of Macrophytes Watercourses Major National Nature Park " Podolski Toltry"

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I. V. Fedorchuk
M. I. Kozak


We investigate the systematic position indicator macrophytes major rivers of the National Natural Park "Podilsky Tovtry." The study involved the indicator macrophytes major rivers NPP "Podilski Tovtry", which are presented watercourses with varying degrees of recreational and anthropogenic pressures. In taxonomic aspect of these species belong to two departments (Equisetophyta, Magnoliophyta), 3 classes (Equisetopsida, Magnoliopsida, Liliopsida), including 15 orders, 20 families and 28 genera. An important indicator for understanding the formation of hydrophilic flora species is the ratio between the classes of monocots and dicots. For the main watercourses Park, the figure was respectively: Liliopsida - 31 species or 72.1% of the total number of identified species of flowering plants, Magnoliopsida - 11 (25.6%). The prevailing dominance among monocots indicators gives grounds to assert that the line of hydrophilic flora of the study area is much more pronounced in the group of monocots. It was found that the richest floristically presented family Cyperaceae and Potamogetonaceae - 10 and 6 species, which together account for 37.2% of the total. Relatively diverse family of Lemnaceae - 4 species, which represents 9.3% of the total. Quantitative ratio in the classes of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous indicates that hydrophilicity is one of the main lines of environmental monocots, dicots unlike. Significant predominance of families and genera with a minimum number of species indicates a low degree of polymorphism communities of higher aquatic plants Park.

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