Interhemispheric transfer of information in performance of complex Stroop test involving spatial properties by right- and left-handers
Introduction. Interhemispheric interaction is important for the integration of perception and motor control of two body parts. Over the past 20 years behavioral and electrophysiological studies have shown that callosal transfer of a number of behavioral and cognitive processes is asymmetric. The functional significance and neural basis of this asymmetry is still investigated. Most movements people performed with the assistance of both hands, and coordination/synchronization of their interaction is very important. The mechanisms of this interaction are still scarcely explored.Purpose. The aim of research was to study the bimanual reactions in performance of complex Stroop test involving spatial properties.
Methods. The study involved 64 students of educational-scientific center "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of both genders – 39 right-handed and 25 left-handed. Stimuli (the word "Green" or "Red" written in relevant or irrelevant color) were exposed on the right or left from the center of the screen. In the case of congruence the word and its semantic meaning should press one button by the ipsilateral hand ("yes"), while in the case of mismatch – the other button by the contralateral one ("no").
Results. Latent period (LP) of reactions and mistakes quantity (MQ) in right-handers and left-handers are the same. The answer "yes" is faster than answers "no" for both right and left hands either of right- or left-handers. Comparison LP of similar responses of both hands showed that answer "yes" is faster for the right hand and answer "no" – for the left one for both right- and left-handers, so that the difference in LP between "yes" and "no" for the left hand is shorter than for the right one. This points out to easily transfer of information from the left hemisphere to the right one than in the opposite direction. The transfer of information from one hemisphere to the other (the difference between "yes" for one hand and "no" for the other) is different for two directions only by callosal delay time (3.55 ms), indicating on interhemispheric synchronization mechanism. With answers "yes" MQ is less than with answers "no." Lesser MQ of answers "no" for right-handers occurs when transferring information from the left to the right hemisphere, while for left-handers – on the contrary – from the right hemisphere to the left one.
Conclusion. The results point out that the motor metacontrol for both right- and left-handers is situated in the left hemisphere, while metacontrol of errors for right-handers is in the left hemisphere and for left-handers - in the right one.
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