Сharacteristics of regulatory mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system in children 5-7 years old with different individual-typological properties of the nervous system
Main Article Content
This publication presents an analysis of the age-related dynamics of statistical and spectral heart rate characteristics in the background and after mental loading. The indicators of the cardiovascular system (CVS) were studied with the help of the "Phasegraph" instrumental technique. The method of M.V. Makarenko studied functional mobility (FRNP) and strength of nervous processes (SNP) in the "imposed rhythm" mode. In children of 5-6 years old, with 7-year-olds, in response to mental load, a disharmony of the regulation of the CCS is established. The interdependence between the level of tension of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the degree of mental workload is substantiated. A correlation was found between the indicators of FRNP, SNP and ANS.
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