Dynamics of physical efficiency of girls aged 17-22 during the ovarian-menstrual cycle
Main Article Content
Introduction. Topicality of the present research can be explained by the fact that an information concerning the dynamics of physical efficiency during the ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC), based on the data of closed cycle loading test, is practically absent.
Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the dynamics of physical efficiency of girls aged 17-22 during the ovarian-menstrual cycle, according to the test conducted by dozed loading with a reverse.
Methods. Physical efficiency was determined with the help of bicycle ergometric loading with a reverse by the method of Davidenko D. M. Practically healthy girls (n = 28) with regular menstrual cycle were involved into the research. The phases of the menstrual cycle were determined individually by the calendar method. Before the testing the students completed a questionnaire to define their general state and had their anthropo-physiometric metric taken.
Results. According to the average-group data, it was found out that an optimum phase for manifesting the general physical efficiency for girls was post-menstrual and pre-menstrual ones. During these phases the parameters of testing turned out to be the best, while in menstrual and ovarian ones, they got worse. Individual analysis allowed to device relatively the main group of girls into 3 subgroups – with high, medium and low initial results of testing in menstrual phase of OMC. According to the parameters of physical efficiency, in was revealed that functional abilities of girls with initially high results had tendency to their decrease, with low results to increase, and of girls with medium level - varied within the range of 2-5% during the cycle.
Conclusions. High individuality of variation of parameters of physical efficiency during the menstrual cycle decreases the informativeness of evaluation that is why it is necessary to imply individual approach while the research of functional abilities of girls.
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