Definitions of antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in the yolk of birds of artificial nesting box in conditions of the North-East of Ukraine
Introduction. In the conditions of the North-East of Ukraine, the circulation of the newcastle disease virus in hollow-nesting birds of artificial nests box was studied. Serological studies of the yolks of eggs collected from hollow birds in the North-East of Ukraine to the Newcastle disease virus were carried out.
Purposе. Definitions of antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in eggs of artificial nesting birds and determining their role as a reservoir of the causative agent of the disease in the North-East of Ukraine.
Methods. The work was carried out in 2019 from April to December in the department for the study of poultry diseases at the National Scientific Center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine", as well as at the Department of Zoology at the H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Serological studies of the yolks of eggs taken from a hollow nesting box of birds. Antibodies in egg yolk extracts from birds of artificial box nests against the virus of newcastle disease, were determined in the reaction of delayed hemagglutination (HAGA).
Result. Antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in titers 1:2 (3,3%) were detected in Phoenicurus phoenicurus, 1:16 (3,3%) ‒ Ficedula albicollis, 1:32 (10,0%) ‒ in the yolks of Erithacus rubecula eggs and Phoenicurus phoenicurus, titers 1:64 (23,3%) and 1:128 (26,6%) were found in the yolks of all studied species of artificial nesting birds. The highest antibody titers are 1:256 (26,6%) and 1:512 (6,6%) in the yolks of Ficedula albicollis and Phoenicurus phoenicurus eggs.
Originality. Discovered of antibodies to the newcastle disease virus in the yolk of birds of artificial nesting box in conditions of the North-East of Ukraine.
Conclusion. According to the results of serological studies of the eggs of birds of four species (Ficedula albicollis, Parus major, Erithacus rubecula and Phoenicurus phoenicurus), which nest in northeastern Ukraine, it was found that antibodies to the Newcastle disease virus were found in 30 (66.6%).
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