Finding of rare species of plats in the southern part of the Sinyukha river basin

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K. V. Zhulenko


Introduction. The Sinyukha river basin, in particular its southern part, is an area with a high level of anthropogenic pressure and a significant level of agricultural development (the proportion of agricultural land is more than 80%), with fragmented natural habitats. Detailed chorological study is needed to supplement the pattern of the distribution of rare plant species, to develop measures for their conservation, to optimize the existing network of protected areas in the region.

Рurpose of the study is to analyze the current distribution and describe new finds of some rare plant species in the southern part of the Sinyukha river basin.

Methods. The research was conducted in April-June 2021. We surveyed the area of the Sinyukha river valley from the village of Kalamazovo (Vilshansky district, Kirovohrad region) to its confluence with the Southern Bug River in Pervomaisk (Mykolayiv region), as well as – the valleys of its tributaries – Chorny Tashlyk, Malyi Tashlyk and Sukhyi Tashlyk. When locating a rare species, the plants were photographed and georeferenced at a point with GPS-navigator. Species cover is given according to the Broun-Blanquet scale. The distribution maps were performed by free QGIS software.

Results. We revealed new and confirmed known localities of 20 rare species: Adonis vernalis, Asplenium septentrionale, Astragalus dasyanthus, A. odessanus, Bellevalia sarmatica, Clematis integrifolia, Crocus reticulatus, Dianthus hypanicus, Ephedra distachya, Hyacinthella leucophaea, Iris pontica, Iris pumila, Ornithogalum boucheanum, Pulsatilla pratensis,  Primula veris, Sedum borissovae, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. pennata, Tulipa hypanica. Among the 20 identified rare species one has the category VU (Vulnerable) in the IUCN red list and belongs to the list of Resolution 6 of the Berne Convention; three species are narrowly local endemics of the Dnieper Upland; 11 are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (5 of them have the status vulnerable, 1 – rare, 5 – insufficiently known); 5 species are regionally rare in Kirovohrad and 8 – in Mykolayiv regions. Most of the revealed species have a cover less than 5%. Only 9 of the 20 registered rare species characterized by  more than five localities within the studied area.

Originality. New localities of 20 rare species of plants of different levels of protection have been revealed. Prospects for conservation valuableof their habitats are offered.

Conclusion. We have identified a significant number of new localities of rare plant species that are not covered by proper protection. This indicates the need for more detailed chorological research to elucidate the current distribution of rare species and the creation of new protected areas.

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