Wave structure of hemodynamic parameters in people with the different baseline level of cardiac output and the blood supply of the thorax organs
Introduction. Wave features of the duration of cardiointervals (t-R-R) and stroke volume of blood are considered as a reflection of the dynamics of regulatory processes in the body. Significant differences in healthy young men in values of cardiac index and blood supply of the thoracic organs condition on the peculiarities of regulation of the cardiovascular system.
Purpose. To find out the peculiarities of the wave structure of oscillations (t-R-R) and stroke volume of blood (SV) in individuals with different baseline cardiac output and blood supply.
Methods. The resulting time series were analyzed by 5-min implementations of secuential SV and t-R-R in «Caspico» program. For the duration of the cardiointervals, three main spectral components were distinguished: HF (0.15-0.4 Hz), LF (0.04-0.15 Hz), VLF (0-0.04 Hz), and total spectrum power (TP), the power of high-frequency oscillations in normalized units (HFnorm). For SV, such indicators were HFsv, LFsv, VLFsv, TPsv and HFnormSV, respectively.
Results. At rest, the highest t-R-R oscillation power in the LF and HF ranges was established in hypokinetics, the SV oscillation power in the 0.04-0.15 Hz frequency band was significantly higher in hyperkinetics compared to eukinetics, in HFnormSV - it was probably higher in hyperkinetics than hypokinetics.
When functional tests were performed, the greatest differences between groups of individuals with different typology by cardiac output were observed at dosed physical activity: HFnorm in hypokinetics was authentically smaller than in the representatives of other groups, LF was larger than in eukinetics, and HF was lower than in hyperkinetics.
The initial level of blood supply of the thorax also authentically influenced the peculiarities of oscillations of the hemodynamic indicators of healthy young men under different conditions. At rest in the supine position, individuals with low levels of blood supply of thoracic organs had authentically a higher power of high-frequency oscillations t-R-R than men with an average value of this index, and relatively larger intergroup differences were observed in the parameters of SV oscillations.
According to the indicators of the wave structure of t-R-R and SV with active orthopedic testing and with mental load, the lowest activation of the sympathetic nervous system was observed in the group of men with low initial level of blood supply of the thoracic organs. .
Originality. The peculiarities of the regulatory rhythms of hemodynamics are revealed in persons with different typology by the level of cardiac output and blood supply of the thoracic organs. Significant differences in the power of oscillations of cardio-interval duration and stroke volume are shown in persons of different types of hemodynamics at rest and at the dosed physical activities.
Conclusions. At rest and mainly at physical activity, the features of hemodynamics oscillations have been found between persons with different initial levels of cardiac output, which are of compensatory nature for maintaining cardiac output for hypokinetics, and are caused by different levels of blood supply in the thoracic organs.
The wave structure of the regulatory rhythms of hemodynamics and its changes at loads significantly depend on the initial level of blood supply of the thorax, which is shown by the relatively less tension of the mechanisms of regulation in persons of the extreme groups.
Taking into account individual-typological characteristics of a person can increase the diagnostic value of methods of analysis and evaluation of the wave structure of hemodynamic parameters, as well as identify new directions in preventive medicine and health insurance.
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