Electroencephalographic of olfactory structures of the mammalian brain in the perception of olfactory information and analysis of olfactory information


L. M. Ilyukha


Introduction. A comparative analysis of the electrical activity of olfactory bulbs and the pyriform cortex of guinea pigs, rats and mice under conditions of spontaneous behavior and upon presentation of odor stimuli was carried out.

The revealed dynamics of the spectral phenomena of the rhinencephalic structures is discussed in terms of the possibility of considering the high-frequency components of electrical activity separately from the olfactory function.

Purpose. The purpose of this work was to find out the neurophysiological mechanisms of the formation and manifestation of various components of electrical activity of rhenecepfal structures in macrosomatic laboratory animals at different levels of behavioral activity, under the action of odors.

Methods. Chronic electrophysiological experiments were performed on 6 guinea pigs, 5 rats and 5 laboratory mice. When carrying out spectral analysis of the isolated traditional frequency bands and vysokochastotnykh strip components, namely, 25-90, 25-48 and 52 - 150 Hz, by conducting a parallel analysis of the whole dynamic spectra without isolation of individual bands.

Results. Experimental data indicate the feasibility of the characteristics of EA ranavalona structures with formation of polymorphic desynchronous activity, respiratory waves, olfactoamygdalar rhythm and PAS. Analysis potugese-frequency changes of these phenomena allows to fine to reflect the activation level of the SLA and the level of behavioral excitability of animals.

Originality. Spectral characteristics of the basic patterns of electrical activity in the olfactory bulbs of mammalian, the dynamics of its potugese-frequency parameters for different levels of behavioural activity, a comparative analysis of their main characteristics was refined.

Conclusion. Thus, the obtained experimental data indicate the feasibility of the isolated consideration of the phenomena olfacto-amygdalar rhythm, synchronized high-frequency activity and respiratory waves, as they may have different functional nature.




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