Influence of red mud on the structural and functional organization of the thyroid gland
Introduction. By means of modern techniques, new data, regarding the character and dynamics of structural changes in thyroid gland under condition of prolonged organism exposure of the red mud, has been obtained.
Purpose. To evaluate the dynamics of the structural changes and the direction of reparative processes in thyroid gland of animals of all ages under organism exposure of the red mud.
Methods. In the thyroid glands of control and experimental animals was measured the percent ratio of the number of small, medium and large follicles. In the generally accepted methodology calculated the average volume of the cells, their nuclei and nucleoli of the follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Using the reagent kits “Thyroid IFA-ST4” determined the concentration of thyroxin in the peripheral blood of the animal.
Results. The article investigates the structural changes of thyroid under the prolonged exposure of the red mud. It was established that the red mud exposure on the rats for 14 days causes dicreased thyroid functional, which was accompanied by corresponding changes in the structure of these cells and the morphometric data. The red mud exposure on 45-day-old rats reduces thyriod function and causes significant dystrophic and degenerative rearrangement in these cells. On the 180th day of the experiment decrease in function thyroid is accompanied by structural changes that are characteristic of the depletion stage of general adaptation syndrome.
Originality. Using modern biomedical research methods, new data regarding the character and dynamics of structural changes in thyroid under the prolonged exposure of the red mud, has been obtained. The dependence of changes of the structure and the function of thyroid on the duration of the red mud exposure in animals’ organisms of all ages has been established.
Conclusion. The prolonged exposure of the red mud on animals’ organisms leads to significant changes in the structural organization in thyroid, the character of which depends on both the duration of the red mud exposure as well as on the animals’ age.
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