Relevance of further development of the problem of professional reliability in the context of psychophysiological examination
Main Article Content
The article considers the problem of the relevance of further research on the professional suitability of certain categories of persons to perform work in conditions of increased danger. Ensuring a high level of performance of professional tasks by specialists of various profiles under the condition of preserving their physical and mental health is of significant socio-economic and preventive medical importance, and in view of today’s extreme situations, its further development in the context of professional fitness becomes decisive.
The purpose of the article is to indicate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of professionalism and to outline the importance of economic, differential-psychological and individual-psychophysiological factors for determining the suitability of persons to perform work in conditions of increased danger.
Research methodology. The methods of theoretical analysis, comparison, comparison, systematization and generalization are applied.
Scientific novelty. The article outlines that the leading factors of professional fitness are purely individualized psychophysiological determinants that determine a person’s fitness to perform various types of professional activities in stressful working conditions. In their determination, the leading role belongs to the implementation of adequate measures of professional selection according to the methodology of the organization of psychophysiological examination.
Conclusions. It has been proven that conducting psychodiagnostic examinations and psychophysiological examination as part of professional selection allows to successfully solve the problem of predicting the professional suitability of a person to perform the necessary professional activity in conditions of increased occupational hazard and in extreme situations of modern times. It is noted that the definition of professional, functional and medical reliability of workers in socially important industries remains a promising scientific direction, which has significant theoretical and applied significance in terms of solving current problems today.
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