Characteristics of the psycho-physiological health of military servants in the conditions of performing the service

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Богдан Артеменко
Віталій Пустовалов
Сергій Хоменко
Ігор Богдановський
Геннадій Ейдельштейн


Introduction. The study of the peculiarities of the psychophysiological support of military personnel in the languages ​​of service is an actual direction of research. After all, in the conditions of war and after martial law, there is a great need for medical influence on the participants of hostilities in order to return them to normal life.

Goal. To analyze and investigate the state of study of the problem of ensuring the psychophysiological health of military personnel in the conditions of service.

Methods. In research we used the methods of analysis, systematization and generalization of modern scientific and scientific-methodological literature were used.

Results. It has been established that the approaches to the psychophysiological support of military personnel need to be changed and revised, because they are mostly focused on the psychological support of a person already after the formation of mental or nervous disorders.

Originality. It is believed that the introduction and constant use of the process of service by medical methods of diagnosis and control of the psychophysiological state of military personnel will allow more effective use of personnel in the performance of various tasks, including in combat conditions.

Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate that timely diagnosis of changes in the activity of nervous and endocrine regulation mechanisms with the help of certain medical tests can contribute to a more accurate understanding of the psychophysiological state of a serviceman and his capabilities to perform various tasks, including in a combat environment.


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