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Максим Гаврилюк
Володимир Лизогуб


The article highlights the main periods of life, scientific and pedagogical activity of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Fedir Fedorovych Boyechko. He was born on 13.05.1934. The main directions of Boyechko’s scientific interests are study of the influence of vitamins, microelements and their complexes on metabolic processes in the body and its immunoprotective functions under normal conditions and under conditions of action of small doses of ionizing radiation. He graduated from Chernivtsi National University in 1957. After postgraduate studies she defended a thesis and obtained a scientific degree of PhD in biology in 1961. Since 1974, he has held a Doctor of Science in biology, Profesor of Biochemestry since this year. During 1975–1979, he was the rector of the Uman State Pedagogical Institute, in 1979–2000 – rector of the Cherkasy Pedagogical Institute (the State University from 1995). He was the head of the biochemistry department in 1998–2019. A scientific school of biochemistry was created under his leadership. He is the author of about 200 scientific and scientific-methodological works, including more than 20 textbooks and manuals for students and schoolchildren. Such as “Biochemistry”, “Organic chemistry”, “Chemistry of polymers” etc. He is a co-author of a patent on a method of rehabilitation of the functions of the immune system in persons exposed to the factors of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He has many awards from the university, the local government and the government. Profesor Boyechko is a corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. He is an honored employee of a higher school of Ukraine.

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Лизогуб В. С., Дерій С. І., Гаврилюк М. Н. Життєвий і творчий шлях Федора Федоровича Боєчка // Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Біологічні науки. 2014. № 2 (295). С. 3–6.

Боєчко Федір Федорович // Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького. К.: Вид-во «Світ успіху», 2009. С. 36.