Age dynamics of the persons with the stature disorders’ mental workability
Introduction. Mental workability of the children aged 7 – 8 and the adolescents aged 10 – 11, 13 – 14 years with the stature disorders and the healthy ones was studied.
Purpose. The children’s aged 7 – 8 and the adolescents’ aged 10 -11 and 13 – 14 years with the stature disorders mental workability study results on condition of processing the image and the verbal signals are presented.
Methods. Mental workability of the children and the adolescents was studied in conditions of keeping balance standing on the floor, on condition of keeping balance on the standard and the non-standard platforms of the stabilograph.
Result. It has been stated, that the mental workability of the children and adolescents gradually rises with age and reaches the highest results at the age of 13-14 years. It has been proven, that while processing information to the image and the verbal signals the children’s and the adolescents’ with the spine deformation mental workability results are lower, than those of the healthy age-sakes. It has been proven, that the indicators of the mental workability of both persons studied with the spine deformation, and the healthy ones are higher to the image signals, than to the verbal ones.
Originality. It is shown, that the quantitative and the qualitative characteristics of the mental workability are dependent on the statokinetic stability. It has been found out, that the results of the mental workability on the standard platform of all the persons examined are higher, than on the non-standard platform of the stabilograph.
Conclusion. The peculiarities of the mental workability formation in the ontogenesis of the persons with the spine deformation examined, the principles of the image and the verbal information processing are discussed in the work.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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