The impact on the blood system of angular and linear vestibular pressure for different age groups of fencers
Introduction. Summarizing of the conclusions of scientists about the effect of vestibular loading on the human body, in particular on the circulatory system, is very relevant.
Purpose. The purpose was to research speeding of angular and linear accelerations of opposite directions on the blood system of fencers with different age.
Methods. The specific method of the establishment of a vestibular load for sportsmen-fencers with help of linear multi-directional speeding is substantiated. A special platform was designed to create a linear speeding. Angular accelerations were implemented with using rotational test in the Bárány chair according to V.I. Boyachek. Performance indicators of the circulatory system (change in heart rate, arterial pressure and pulse pressure) were defined for each athlete. Indicators were measured before and after vestibular loading. Athletes were divided into two age groups - teens and adults.
Results. Research has shown that the reaction of athletes to the vestibular load for both types of speeding is different. This evidences a dependency of vegetative reactions resulting from irritations of the vestibular apparatus of human on features of the HNS. The level and character of changes of all selected indicators of activity of the blood system during use different forms of vestibular loading are established.
Originality. It was established, all the indicators of the athletes` blood system of both age groups changed in the same way as after linear speeding as angular speeding. But the magnitude of the changes was less after linear speeding, because this changes are commonplace for fencers.A comparison of changes of reaction of the cadet fencer` and adult fencers` blood system reflects the amplitude of these changes decreases with the increasing of the age of fencers because their vestibular stability and load adaptability grows which is due to linear speeding.
Conclusion. The specific vestibular loading affects the blood system of fencers of various ages. However, the character of this influence is not quite pronounced, because fencers constantly trains the vestibular analyzer. There is a decrease in the magnitude of changes of the work of the fencer` cardiovascular system with increasing age. This can help increase their athletic skills.
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