Power changes in electrical activity of motor zone of the main brain of female rats of different age
Introduction. The electrical activity of the cerebral cortex reflects complex processes of reception and processing of afferent information, as well as the functional state of the organism and the level of metabolic processes. At present bioelectric activity of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex of rats during the age-related involution is not sufficiently investigated. Since most authors investigate only rats of juvenile and young age. The question of the dynamics of the indicators of electrocorticogram is a promising and relevant direction of research, which allows us to reveal the general physiological mechanisms that arise in the process of ontogenesis.
Purpose To establish age changes of indicators of bioelectric activity of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex of female rats.
Methods. Experiments were performed on white nonlinear, non-racially mature female rats divided into four groups by age. The registration of the electrocortichogram of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex was carried out by the method of removing the stereotactic potential, on a standard electrophysiological device. A needle unipolar electrode (nichrome diameter of 100 μm) was used. In the total amount of electro corticochograms, the indicators of absolute and normalized power of the electric activity of the neocortex were analyzed.
Results The analysis of the results of the studies showed that beta-like activity dominated among females of all age groups, in addition to the group of females of juvenile age, based on the absolute power of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex. Absolute power of delta rhythm among females of a mature age significantly increased in 3 and 7,3 times relative to the parameters of this rhythm of females of juvenile and young age. In the group of pre-adolescence, this rhythm was 32% lower than that of females of mature age. The highest rate of absolute power of theta-rhythm was among females of mature age. In the juvenile and pre-elder age, the absolute power of alpha-like activity was similar and was 3,76 ± 1.3 μV2. This indicator among females of young age was significantly higher in 5,9 times with respect to juvenile age groups. In the mature age, the absolute index of alpha-like rhythm is 3,7 times higher in relation to the juvenile age group and 57% lower than in the group of younger females. Beta-like activity at the younger age decreased by 16,6% relative to females of juvenile age. In the mature age, this indicator is significantly higher at 3,5 and 4,25 times with respect to the juvenile and younger age groups. In pre-instar age, the absolute power of beta-like activity is reliably higher than 4,6 and 1,32 times in relation to the parameters of juvenile and mature age females. For normalized indices, juvenile females were dominated by delta activity of 51,1% and synchronization of rhythms was observed. The beta-like rhythm predominated in the following three age groups, the highest value of which was in rats of pre-instinctive age – 70,18%. Due to the dominance of high-frequency low-amplitude waves, females of young, mature, and pre-adolescent age observed desynchronization of rhythms.
Originality The absolute and normalized indices of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex of female rats of juvenile, young, mature and pre-period periods were studied.
Conclusion For indicators of absolute and normalized power, females of the juvenile age were dominated by delta activity and synchronization of biorhythms of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex was observed. At young age, the values of absolute power declined and beta-like activity predominated as a percentage, resulting in desynchronization of rhythms. In mature and pre-adulthood, females had high activity in the delta and beta-like rhythm. For normed indicators, beta-like activity and desynchronization of rhythms of neocortex in rats of mature and pre-instar age predominated.
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