Psycho-physiological changes in the organism of students organisms under the influence of educational load
Introduction: Preparation of students for professional activity requires significant psycho-physiological stress. Adaptive changes that occur in the body, characterize the level of functioning of systems and their potential capabilities.
Purpose:The aim of the artcle was to investigate the changes in mental functions and vegetative reactions in the formation of long-term adaptation of the students organisms to the study load.
Methods: A method for studying the properties of attention for correctional tables Anfimova, the method of "arrangement of numbers", red-black tables of Schulte, methods of studying short-term arbitrary visual memory; 5-minute Heart Rate Variability (HRV) records.
Results: The study load for students of “Physics and Mathematics” (PHM) and “Chemistry and Biology”(CHB) corresponded to their psychological and mental abilities that were decisive when choosing a specialty, and therefore did not cause significant changes in attention and mnemonic processes. Adaptive reactions manifested in vegetative regulation. Changes in HRV showed an increase in parasympathetic regulation and decreased neurohumoral modulation in women, “Foreign Languages” (FL). Reduced memory for words (p ≤ 0.05), caused tensions of regulatory influences and increased central regulation. Under the influence of the educational load in the students of the “Physical Education” (PHE), the indicators of mental activity improved (p ≤ 0.05). Changes in regulatory influences were manifested in lowering the activity of higher super-segmental levels of cardiac rhythm management and increased activity of the respiratory and vasomotor centers. In women, PHM was observed reduction of cerebro-ergotropic activity (p ≤ 0.05) and maintenance of vegetative balance. Low volume and productivity of attention showed a decrease in efficiency, but it did not have a disruptive effect on the body. In students of CHB the activity of both departments of vegetative regulation decreased. This indicated the development of unsatisfactory adaptation mechanisms under the influence of the study load.
Originality: The psycho-physiological parameters of students of different specializations of linked samples have been analyzed. Differences in the formation of adaptive changes in an organism depending on the content of educational activity have been established.
Conclusion: The tension of regulatory mechanisms was felt by the students of FL and CHB. Women of PHE, psychophysiological parameters have improved as a result of high motor activity. The smallest psychophysiological discomfort was felt by women of PHM, which was manifested in the stability of the studied indicators.
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