The investigation of effects of endurance exercises on total oxidant and total antioxidant status parameters in the rat liver with experimental thyroid dysfunction
Introduction. Free radicals are highly reactive, short-lived and labile molecules that have one or more unpaired electrons. Oxygen-derived radicals are the most important free radicals in biological systems. Hyperthyroidism is the clinical condition that occurs due to excessive production of thyroid hormone. In this case, oxygen consumption increases due to high levels of the thyroid hormone while basal metabolic rate increases due to further stimulation of the energy metabolism and heat production.
The purpose of this research is to study the effects of regular endurance exercises on total oxidant status (TOS) and total antioxidant status (TAS) parameters in liver tissues of rats that are experimentally made to acquire hyperthyroidism.
Methods. In this study, a total of 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats that weigh between 200 to 220 grams were used. Experimental animals were randomly divided into four groups: Control (n=6), hyperthyroid (n=6), exercise (n=6), and hyperthyroid + exercise (n=6). TOS was measured using a commercially manufactured measurement kit (Total Oxidant Status Assay Kit, Product Code: RL0024, Rel Assay Diagnostics® Mega Tıp Ltd. Gaziantep, Turkey). Measurements were conducted in line with the recommendations of the manufacturing company. TAS was measured using a commercially manufactured measurement kit in line with the recommendations of the manufacturing company (Total Antioxidant Status Assay Kit, Product Code: RL0017, Rel Assay Diagnostics® Mega Tıp Ltd., Gaziantep, Turkey).
Results. Weights of the rats in the control and exercise groups increased by 19% and 12.9% on average during the experiment respectively, while weights of the rats in the hyperthyroid group decreased by 8.6% in the meantime. On the other hand, it was noteworthy that a weight gain of 8.6% on average was observed in the rats in the hyperthyroid + exercise group at the end of the 8 weeks.
When we compared the liver TAS concentrations among study groups, the highest TAS value was observed in the exercise group. TAS concentration increased for the exercise group and decreased for the hyperthyroid + exercise group when compared to the control group. In addition, differences among groups were not statistically significant.
When we compared the liver TOS concentrations among study groups, the highest TOS value was observed in the exercise + hyperthyroid group. When compared to the control group, a statistically insignificant decrease was observed in the TOS measured in the exercise group. In addition, when compared to the exercise group, a significant increase of the TOS concentration was detected in the hyperthyroid + exercise group. When compared to the control group, even though the TOS levels for both the hyperthyroid and exercise groups demonstrated a declining trend, it is thought that the increase observed in the hyperthyroid + exercise group might be the result of a synergic effect.
Conclusion. It is concluded that neither hyperthyroidism nor endurance exercises significantly affect TAS concentrations of the liver tissue; however, the total antioxidant status in a liver tissue increases in a statistically significant manner when rats with hyperthyroidism practice endurance exercises.
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