Current status of Shrub communities of the arid-steppe subzone of the Northern-West Black Sea Region


Yu. G. Dmitruk


Intruduction. Unique plant complexes were formed as a result of long-term development in the Steppe zone. Shrub thickets are one of the typical steppe landscapes. The steppe zone is one of the most developed agricultural areas in the country. As a result, the natural communities were forced into unsuitable lands for plowing and trey are on the verge of extinction. The study of all components of steppe biodiversity is an important objective of modern research.

Purpose. Evaluation of shrubs species composition, existing in modern agricultural landscapes dry steppe subzone territory between the Dniester-Dnieper.

Methods. The article presents the research data about shrub communities in mosaic agrolandscapes during of 2014-2016. During this period, has conducted more than 25 different seasonal expeditions and numerous route-accounting studies (total 1311 km) within south and central-steppe subzones in area between Dniester-Dnieper. This accounting method used mainly vegetation transect, placing it along the beams, ravines and gorges.

Results. The results of the initial stage of study of shrub vegetation on the territory of the North-Western Black Sea Region are presented as a component of phytocenoses of the mosaic agrolandscape. The general mesophytization of shrub groupings has been established, and the number of species of silvants that were introduced in the 20th century into the region to form forest belts and erosion plantations is much higher than the number and species diversity of primary steppes that previously competed for a place in the steppe landscapes. At the same time, despite the profound transformation of the entire natural vegetation of the Black Sea Steppe and the loss of its authenticity, modern shrub phytocenoses of the mosaic agrolandscape permanently retain a primary-steppe species core in its composition.

Originality. For the first time we conducted integrated ecological researches oh shrub components on the territory of the south and central-steppe subzones and were conducted a compearative analysis of this vegetation.

Conclusion. The species composition and condition of shrub vegetation have changed over the past 100 years. First of all, this is due to agricultural activities in this zone. The species composition of shrubs is dominated by the more northern mesophyte species. Despite fairly tough competition, shrub communities retain a primary-steppe species core.




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