Historical aspects of research of the genus Phalacroloma Cass. (Asteraceae)


М. V. Chekman


Introduction. Global process of synanthropization, especially adventyzation of vegetation is accompanied by undesirable effects such as reducing biological, including genetic diversity of species, the general depletion of flora, etc. In view of the importance of studying the diverse alien species, the main task is ascertainment the historical aspects of their research.

Purpose. Critical generalization of information about the history of research genus Phalacroloma Cass. including in the flora of Ukraine.

Methods. The object of study was selected species of Phalacroloma (Asteraceae) of the flora of Ukraine. Historic and classic comparative morphological-geographic methods are the primary methods. Herbarium KW, CHER, TERN, NNP "Podilsky Tovtry" were used in this article.

Results. The history of taxonomic exploration of the genus Phalacroloma Cass., a review of main systems of the genus, and a history of investigation of Phalacroloma species in the Ukrainian flora are discussed. For the first time, based on a detail analysis of the literature sources data about the main stages of the history of the study of  species of genus Phalacroloma are generalized. It is characterized representation of  species of genus in major monographic treatments and floristic summaries of the flora of Ukraine and of the world. The analysis of changes in the views of researchers taxonomic status of individual representatives is conducted, a detailed list of synonyms of species of genus is submitted.

Conclusion.  Established that the species of the genus are characterized by considerable polymorphism characteristics, whereby at one time it was been included in the various taxonomic groups and it require further detailed critical-systematic elaboration. Analysis of modern literature showed that today in detail the issue infestatione plant of species of Phalacroloma are unwrapped; too much attention is paid to their horolohical, environmental, biochemical, cytological, kariolohical  features, new data about molecular research of representatives. Instead, only a few works are devoted to comparative morphology and taxonomic problems within the genus, as well as research of the structure of population, which is a priority in subsequent investigations.




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