Research of family Allium is on territory of Western Podilia
Introduction. The human impact in Western Podillya led to the changes in the state of plant habitats and their destruction. The species of the genus Allium, an overwhelming number of which are included in the list of international protection of rare species, the Red Book of Ukraine (RBU) and regional red lists, turned to be the most vulnerable. The study of the genus Allium in conditions of the region and the prospects for their protection is relevant today.
Purpose: the study of ekotopolohical differentiation of genus Allium in Western Podillya and the affinity of rare species to ekotsenofitons.
Methods. To study the genus Allium in Western Podillya we traced the historical aspects of its research. The analysis of literature and processed herbarium collections from scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine were maid for this purpose. The research was conducted during 2006-2015, using details - route and semi-stationary and stationary methods. It established the modern distribution of species, ecological-coenotic conditions of habitats. The ekotopolohical classification of VV Novosad was used.
Results. It was established that in Western Podillya there grow 14 species of the genus Allium (A. angulosum, A. flavescens, A. Obliquum, A. oleraceum, A. pervestitum, A. podolicum, A. scordoprassum, A.senescens L. subsp. Montanum, A. sphaerocephalon, A. sphaeropodum, A. strictum, A. ursinum, A. vineale, A. waldsteinii). The species of genus form six kinds of ekotsenofitons: Calcepetrophyton, Steppophyton, Thamnophyton, Pratophyton, Antropogenophyton, Drymophyton. The largest part (9) species of the genus Allium are common in Calcepetrophyton. The sozological status of species is given. It was indicated that five species were included in the Red Book of Ukraine, and three types - regionally rare. Four types of national-level are common in kaltsepetrofitonic ekotsenofiton and one species grow Drymophyton. Among the regionally rare species Allium podolicum is present in five ekotsenofitons except Drymophyton, and two species (A. sphaerocephalon, A. flavescens) are in two ekotsenofitons. The status of regionally rare species must be given to A.senescens, L. subsp. montanum in Khmelnitsky region., and A. sphaerocephalon in Ternopil region. For all rare species the protection of their habitats should be provided.
Originality. The comprehensive study of ekocoenotic features of the genus in Western Podillya was held for the first time.
Conclusion. Analyzing the participation of species of the genus Allium L. as ekocenic lements in ekofitons of Western Podillya it was found that A. angulosum and A. strictum belong to one ekofiton, A. podolicum (9) and A. waldsteinii (8) belong to the largest number of ekofitons. Such species as A. flavescens and A sphaerocephalon belong to five ekofitons, A. scorodoprasum A. vineale A. vineale and A. senescens L. subsp. montanum - to four ekofitons. A. obligum, A. oleraceum and A. pervestitum belong to three ekofitons, A. sphaeropodum and A. ursinum – to two ekofitons.
In Western Podillya the rare species are mostly represented in the following ekofitons: Calcepetrophyton (4 - species from the RBU, 3 - regionally rare), Drymophyton - one type from RBU, Thamnophyton and Antropogenophyton - two regionally rare species, and Steppophyton and Pratophyton - one .##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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