Biology and status Thrush (Turdus) in villages Podilskogo Pobuzhzhia
Introduction. Due to increase in the human activities, the share of the natural landscapes continues to decrease, while the share of the anthropogenic landscapes is increasing. Rural areas, while being a kind of an anthropogenic landscape, play a significant role in the preservation of regional biodiversity. Here begins the process of synanthropization of birds, especially of the dendrophilous species. One of these species is a Thrush.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to show the composition, the status, and seasonal dynamics of the number of Thrush in the villages of Podilske Pobuzhzhia, as well as to show the new ways in which the thrushes adapt their nesting habits in these villages.
Results. There are 5 species of Genus Turdus, which are registered in the villages of Podilske Pobuzhzhia. Four of them are nesting (T. pilaris, T. merula, T. philomelos, T. iliacus (rare)). Only 1 species (T. viscivorus) is migratory and wintering. Phenology, seasonal dynamics of the number, locations of T. iliacus and T. viscivorus are analysed. In addition, we analyse the peculiarities of nesting for some other species. 127 nests of T. pilaris are analysed. They are located on 17 kinds of trees, bushes, and two of the nests are located on anthropogenic buildings. The number of species is 0,86 pairs per 1 km of the route we’ve taken. 23 nests of T. merula are analysed. The nests are located on 7 kinds of trees, bushes, 2 of the nests are on the stumps, and 1 is on the ground. The number of species is 0,93 pairs per 1 km. 63 nests of T. philomelos are analysed. The nests are located on 14 kinds of trees, bushes, and 6 are located on anthropogenic buildings, in piles of branches, etc. The number of species is 1,58 pairs per 1 km of the route.
Originality. It’s the first time the biology of Thrush is researched within the boundaries of the villages in the region. New adaptations of Thrush nesting and the seasonal dynamics of the number of Thrush are determined.
Conclusion. Synanthropization of T. pilaris, T. merula and T. philomelos has occurred during the 20th century. Also, marks the beginning of synanthropization of T. iliacus. The number of thrush nesting in the villages of Pobuzhzhia is gradually increasing. T. philomelos is the most widely spread due to the flexibility of choice of nesting places. Thrushes choose 34 locations for building nests (23 of them are in the trees, 3 are in the bushes, and 8 are in other locations). The highest number of Thrush nests is in the villages of the second category.
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