Assessment of the stress resistance to professional load of workers of locomotive brigades
Introduction. Modern technical innovations in railway transport revealed a low efficiency of the work of locomotive brigades. A high frequency of mistakes and psychologically low readiness of locomotive brigades to act in dangerous situations are observed.
Purpose. The purpose of the present research is to assess the stress resistance to professional load of workers of locomotive brigades.
Methods. The research was carried out with the help of the procedures of defining the indices of sensomotoric reaction to “tiredness”, stress resistance and the reaction to a moving object. The data were obtained with the use of the psycho-physiological complex ”Diagnost-2”.
Results. It was defined that the age and the considerable nervous and emotional tension are connected with the professional specific features of the work of locomotive drivers, and working conditions (stress, poor and not regular nutrition, climate and noise) can result in the disruption of the adaptation mechanisms and contribute to developing different diseases in locomotive drivers; most often these are the diseases connected with the disorder of the central nervous system.
The analysis of the data in the groups revealed, that there is some insignificant difference in the indices. Thus, the speed of the simple sensomotoric reaction of the representatives of the control group did not differ considerably from the speed of reaction of the representatives of the comparison group and was within the norm. The same conclusion may be made regarding the complex sensomotoric reaction. As for the indices of the reaction to a moving object, the representatives of the control group demonstrated higher indices than the representatives of the comparison group.
Conclusion. Stress and tension influence on both the production process and working efficiency of the locomotive depot workers.
The suggested solution to this problem is to develop on the basis of the existing models more adequate scientific psychological methods of investigating the working efficiency of locomotive brigades in dangerous situations and to create scientifically substantiated technologies, which would contribute to forming the psychological readiness of locomotive brigade workers to act in dangerous situation.
Originality. The influence of the professional load on psychological and physical indices of the workers of locomotive brigades of Prydniprovska railway (Piatyhatsky station) for the first time has been assessed in a complex and objective way.
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