Current composition of the fish population of the Hetmansky NNP

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Kutsokon Yulia Kostyantynivna
Anatoly Mykhailovych Roman
Shcherbatiuk Mykola Mykolayovych


NNP Hetmansky is located in the south of the Sumy region, with the aim of
preserving the Vorskla and its floodplain. Previous data on the Vorskla fish population are generally
outdated or episodic. We could not find any scientific publications about fish in the Hetmansky NNP, there
are only museum collections.

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Author Biographies

Kutsokon Yulia Kostyantynivna, Institute of Zoology named after I.I. Schmalhausen, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher, senior researcher of the department of monitoring and protection of the animal world, Institute of Zoology named after I.I. Schmalhausen, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Anatoly Mykhailovych Roman, Institute of Hydrobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Economics, Technical University "Metinvest Polytechnic", researcher of the department of ichthyology and hydrobiology of river systems, Institute of Hydrobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Shcherbatiuk Mykola Mykolayovych, Institute of Botany named after M.G. Cold National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the Department of Phytohormonology, Institute of Botany named after M.G. Cold National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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