Intraspecific shell variability in gastropods of genus Viviparus from Ukraine
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The paper deals with the embryonic and postembryonic variability of shell in V. viviparus and V. sphaeridius from two Ukrainian freshwaters. It is observed that the viviparids shells in river Bucha is smaller than in South Bug. It is noted that adult Viviparus from river Bucha are characterized by reddish-brown shell with invisible spiral strips on its surface. Viviparids in river South Bug have a light-brown shell with clear visible strips. They are stretched the shell´s length and those strips are visible on the internal surface of the shells. We conclude that the morphological traits of the adult shell within genus Viviparus are determinate by environmental conditions.
The dimensional parameters of embryonic shell in V. viviparus from river Bucha do not differ from those in V. viviparus from river South Bug. Characters of embryonic shell in V. sphaeridius from river Bucha are also similar to such characters in V. sphaeridius from river South Bug. It is shown that the characters of embryonic shells in Viviparus from studied populations are reliability on specific level.
Statistical methods reveal a certain value of dimensional parameters of embryonic shell as an efficient tool for the taxonomy and discrimination of closely related species in the viviparidsArticle Details
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